Resources from #askmewhoiam 2023
Below are videos, podcasts, assessments, and reports provided by our keynote speakers and workshop presenters.
Keynote: Marvin Toliver
Hear more from Keynote Speaker, Marvin Toliver, by checking out his Ted Talk and Podcast Series.
Keynote: Dr. Brittany Patterson
During Dr. Britt's Keynote, she provided a number of links to support Y.O.U. (you, organization, us). The links below feature tools and assessments related to Self Care, Trauma, Anxiety, Mental Wellness. These tools are designed to support young people and youth serving professionals.
Professional Quality of Life: Self Care Tools
Provider Well Being: Individual and Organizational Courses and Assessments
University of Buffalo School of Social Work: Developing Your Self-Care Plan
Black Mental Wellness: Healing Racial Stress
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Trauma Resources
Anxiety Canada: Resources on Anxiety
TeacherWISE: Tools for educators to manage fiver areas of their well-being
Classroom WISE: Well-Being Information and Strategies for Educators
WISE: Compassion Resilience Toolkits for Schools, Health & Human Services, and Parents & Caregivers
American Camp Association: Healthy Camp Toolbox for MESH (Mental, Emotional, Social Health)
Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation Report from the U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory
YRBS: Youth Risk Behavior Survey from Centers for Disease Control
American Psychological Association: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Inclusive Language Guidelines
Life is Better With You Here: Hamilton County Suicide Prevention Coalition Campaign